Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Sweet Revenge

It was a siren versus a charm that night. She is a “siren” and he is a “charm”. Stars in the sky and they are blessed being together. Siren sees Charm, with all seduction and the power of surrender. Charm holds her back, across the wall, says, “You are good”, Siren blushes.

Siren holds him close, could feel the rhythm of his tongue in her mouth. They kiss at the largest passion they can show. They are turning mad, as if their tongue is fighting to feel the mixed erotic breath scent.
Siren, as she is, she is a mirage, luring by cultivating a particular appearance. She knows she is different, rare and mythic from others.  She is incredibly suggestive, hints all the pleasure and never uses aggression and high pitch. Calm and unhurried as she is always. She promises you with infinite adventure.
She is a master of seduction, if no resistances faced, she creates them. Their erogenous zones burn with pleasure and lust. She escapes, hides in the beautiful curtains, Charm tries to reach, but she is always quite away. Siren has the Goddess effect; she is fluid, acts incapable of knowing her effect on charm.
Charm, as he is, reflects all the fantasy, he creates all those illusions he needs. He creates a stirring which represses the desires. He is subtle and never tries hard for attention. He likes rarity, novelty and passion. He makes you oscillate between frustration and hopes.
Siren does promise for par excellent long nights, but sometimes doesn’t offer total satisfaction, she withdraws and Charm yearns for the return. Sirens often keep him “off balance”.
Charm, is witty, he wraps Siren into the silk, and nibbles her neck, to give the beautiful love bite on the left side of her neck. He makes virtue out of weakness. Acts like he sees the world with innocent eyes.  And then the fact remains that Charm is all about seduction without sex. He mainly focuses on Siren. He is never a center of attraction; in fact he makes the target as one.  When Charm seduces, his effect never goes out.
Charm: You are not going to look pretty tomorrow morning
Siren: (slowly opens her eyes, wonders)
Charm: Just a little love bite.
Siren: (blushes)
Charm: You seduce me!
Siren: (mystical smile) I didn’t do anything, did I?
Charm: (laughs) probably, you don’t have to do anything!
Siren sees the love bite in the morning, asks Charm to get ready for the revenge, Charm’s smile and dazzling flirts are beyond resistance. Siren smiles and utters “a sweet revenge!”
Charm can always wait for this revenge. Siren will make him wait and Charm says, “Waiting will be worth”

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